Mittwoch, 4. Mai 2022

Venus in Rage - Civilization Sacrificing Sons and Brothers, Fathers and Lovers Against Deathly Social Virus

 2. - 9. 5. 2022

0:00 UTC
unter dem Tierkreis über der
nördlichen Halbkugel
der Erde
(Anklicken vergrößert)


Thirty spokes share the wheel's hub;
It is the center hole that makes it useful.
Shape clay into a vessel;
It is the space within that makes it useful.
Cut doors and windows for a room;
It is the holes which make it useful.
Therefore profit comes from what is there;
Usefulness from what is not there.

Lao Tzu

- so comes - one can continue - from what is there: male,
but usefulness  from the fe-male.

So naturally each diary-page - as far as one is human and thinks - has to be rethought, reflected,  to the own sex, which the zodiac begins by male with fire, Aries, energy, and continues with female, earth, Taurus. His goddess Venus, paradoxially rules earth and air, Taurus and Libra, matter and valence.

Since sound reasoning - and rereasoning-  necessarily trained in astrology, it is that ideal brain-training-to, keeps man in optimal health, particularly in old age and in calm discourse with the dimensions of the beyond and the non-visuable but always effective attendance of  spirit and  weathers.

18. Week

charged since Monday
by entrance of 
Venus into Aries
into the
energy-state of the 'male'
Venus ruling
earth and heaven
territory and imagination
ready for caressing
thereby gaining
'usefulness' by
embracing to cells
with  marsian pulsive character
in the cutting and severing
way of Aries
balancing the contrasts

 Libra - Aries
Venus - Mars
by the love of contrasts
 to each other

 in the vineyards of man-culture
each day lets the buds of  
honor  further burgeon
of  coming man
the manifest
world of 2.4.2022
 keeps slowly marching

while Mars
each 1,6 years in Pisces
appearing as the forgotten
but living innocence
in each adult child
in the anonymous 
streaming of

and Venus in Aries
in 'escalation-dominance'
challenged by elementary wilderness
of a social virus
called geopolicy

in  strife in a world of wilderness
the world of herds and tribes
 shocked by 
man-god in
decision for sacrifice
of males in order
origin of territory-borders

for  another 84 years
what is not yet

since 2018 - 2025

It's a Uranus-year's 7 year's-period in Taurus, which's  'now', 84 years ago, was 1938.

Uranus caught up
by Sun
vision of man
caught up by

Uranus / Sun

male partnership of contrasts
thinking/sovereign acting

These are Taurus- events now happening  where Venus is ruling 

where Aries is
 pushing Venus
 in escalation

in which 
spirit of  innocence
is mirrored
below the horizon
by the rage of Venus

Venus in the appearance of rage
 mirroring the entire
cleaning Pisces
ideas of meaning
each  current day

calling for  Mars-energy
Jupiter- dispensation
in man's future

and a step nearer to presence lies: the second mirror, leading the 

possibility = Pisces
by origin = Aquarius
to assignment = Capricorn

to a form of attendance in temporality by the soul experiencing non-temporality.

And another step nearer towards presence, in the third mirror, since longe, is a movement:

in Capricorn
saving the species
by exterminating the geopoitical 
by sacrifice of lovers and fathers
of own civilization
in an operation
a special operation
to  kill that virus and neutralize
the region of it's outbrake

mirrored by 
estimater and cheater

by words and numbers

mirroring further all the first week

sacrificer Pluto
in the order of the determiner
whose lordmover 
moves in the spirit of origin
suspending the spirit of unipolarity
in a universe of polarities

whose origin 
this week happens in conjunction
with the warming mystery
of Sun's

so far the actualities of the 18. week:

Venus - things appearing new in personal affects.

Mars- things moving invisibly in the unconsciousness.

Mercury - things mirroring the matter/emotional spirit of current things.

Moon -  things out of world kind of things moving  into the soul.

Sun/Uranus - heart+spirit-things, securing the new borders of man's territory.

Jupiter- things - last week in the cleaning of the ideas of providence.


Entwurf: Murnau, 1. 5. 2022, UTC: 15:12

Montag, 2. 5. 2022, UTC: 14:29

Murnau, Wednesday 5. 4. 2022, UTC: 16:00.


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